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Thread: Crystal focus wiring issue I.e. LED is always on

  1. #1

    Default Crystal focus wiring issue I.e. LED is always on

    When following the wiring schematic from the manual for the crystal focus, it is making the LED stay on always.
    It is showing to connect the positive wire from my LED module( 2 wire configuration) directly to the power supply pad of the Chip and the other wire to an LED pad by the switch pad, which makes sense why the LED stays on since it always has power. Am I reading something wrong in the diagram somewhere ? The Crystal focus Mat wiring diagram also indicates the wiring is positive to power supply, neutral or negative to LED pad.
    The diagram tells me to connect the switch wire to Two different pads on the chip, so the power is bypassing the switch and going to the LED, I'm not sure how to correct.
    Everything else works as intended with this configuration except the LEd remains on.
    Any help in the matter is greatly appreciated, I cannot upload images for some reason but I hope the explanation might help
    Last edited by Darth Xan; 09-29-2024 at 05:43 AM.

  2. #2
    Owner of the Custom Saber shop Strydur's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2005


    Post some pictures and what is your strippower config setting set to? Either you have a wiring issue, a config issue, or you blew the transistors.
    The Custom Saber Shop

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