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Thread: Magnetic Recharge connector?

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jul 2021
    United States

    Default Magnetic Recharge connector?

    I got to thinking of possibly building a small display box for my saber and thought how cool it would be if it could also charge my saber. I thought about how airpods for instance charge via a contact or how the apple watch uses a magnetic charging connector. I googled a few things and found some components here and there but none I could easily figure out how to properly let alone purchase.

    Has anyone done something like this or have any thoughts on building in some way to recharge with way vie some sort of contact-based magnetic charging connector?

  2. #2


    Hey Riser. Welcome to the forums. Yes, it’s been done. Jedi Arms Dealer has been using them for a while. For saber charging and for display cases etc. Check out the awesome work on his channel on YouTube.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jul 2021
    United States


    Cool, I will have to watch some of his stuff. Is there a video or some post somewhere I can see some of that tech or should I just reach out to him and ask about it?

  4. #4


    This one is definitely worth a watch. And check out ShtokCustomWorx. He uses them and may even produce them.
    Last edited by Greenie; 07-22-2021 at 10:25 AM.

  5. #5


    There are plenty of ready made connectors you can purchase. Just search for "magnetic connector" or "magnetic charging cable" depending on what you had in mind you may find a ready made solution for very little cost.

  6. #6

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    Jul 2021
    United States


    Quote Originally Posted by Greenie View Post
    This one is definitely worth a watch. And check out ShtokCustomWorx. He uses them and may even produce them.
    I think you sent the wrong video, I discovered Shtok Custom recently and didn't remember seeing anything like that but I've been all over the place, I'll scroll through his stuff again and take a look, he does really good work I know that much!

  7. #7

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    Jul 2021
    United States


    Quote Originally Posted by jbkuma View Post
    There are plenty of ready made connectors you can purchase. Just search for "magnetic connector" or "magnetic charging cable" depending on what you had in mind you may find a ready made solution for very little cost.
    Unfortunately, All I found initially was magnetic connectors for charging phones. Though I have found some components available for purchase on aliexpress, the only downside is having to get quotes and pay a high shipping fee to get it here.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Riser View Post
    I think you sent the wrong video, I discovered Shtok Custom recently and didn't remember seeing anything like that but I've been all over the place, I'll scroll through his stuff again and take a look, he does really good work I know that much!
    That was completely random (???). Edited.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Riser View Post
    Unfortunately, All I found initially was magnetic connectors for charging phones. Though I have found some components available for purchase on aliexpress, the only downside is having to get quotes and pay a high shipping fee to get it here.
    Buying from aliexpress shouldn't be much different than buying from Amazon, there are no quotes and you generally only pay high shipping if you want express shipments. Generally things will show up in 1-3 weeks in my experience.

    Just because a connector intended as a USB power cable, doesn't mean you can't use it for something else. There's nothing magical about USB cables. You can also put a USB charging board in your saber and use any USB power source to charge it. Phone "chargers" are NOT chargers, they are just 5v power supplies with a USB port. Your phones charger is built into the phone itself.


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