<font size="3"><font color="purple">I've accidently left several various sabers on, all using different types of inverters and have never blown an inverter that way, with no load it on. Now I usually just take out the batteries when I'm not using a blade in them and don't have to worry about it. []

The only way I've burnt one out is when the elwirecheap.com guys gave me a few of their new (at the time, a few years ago) 5V inverters to play with and I hooked one up to a 9V battery. The blade was very bright, for a minute, then the inverter started to scream louder and higher pitched and it got very hot, then the blade dimmed and went out.

Once it cooled down it sort of worked again, but dimmed and faded quickly and finally smelled like it was burning, so I stopped playing with it and it never lit up again.</font id="purple"></font id="size3">

In order to see the Light, you must sometimes risk the Dark.