Parts finally cleared customs and showed up today! I am thrilled with how the custom coupler has turned out, it looks fantastic, and I'm so glad that my design worked out as I imagined it would.


The folks at JQ Sabers also sorted out the correct blade holder with no trouble at all, so that meant I have nearly all of the hte pieces for my hilt. The one minor issue I have is that I forgot to include a button screw for the activation box, but I have a few other bits that I have to sort out soon anyway so I'll pick that up at that point. I did take the time today to clean and grease all of the threads and do a first fit. The saber looks fantastic already, and I'm now almost wondering how much extra customisation it would need. Obviously, the clocking is completely off in spots and I'll need to address that in the final build.


I still need to sort out my pommel. I'd been debating asking Tim to machine a custom MPS insert out of copper, but in the meantime, I'd stumbled across vaping mods and found these two really cool looking copper pieces. The site was a bit thin on dimensions, but they did say 22mm in some spots so I figured that since it was only a few pounds for both pieces that I'd take a chance on them fitting. It turns out they're slightly smaller than the OD of the pommel and blade holder so with a bit of work I think I could attach them. I think that the thicker solid copper piece would make a great accent to the pommel, as long as it doesn't block the sound too much. Meanwhile, the other threaded part looks like it would make a cool accent on a custom blade plug.
