HEMA fighting with Longswords require longer hilts (longer than hand-and-a-half/bastard sword) for control of very long blades. Their diameter usually isn't that much heftier though. And I see you point about the traditional Graflex rubber grips. I love the top half of Anakin/Luke ANH's saber, but I hate the bottom half of Graflex sabers for that reason; they look so pommel heavy and uncomfortable. In all cases, I believe the original Graflex sabers would look better without the grips, and with a leather wrap or a traditional sword pommel. Fortunately, MHS would let me build something like that if I desired!

I don't want to hijack Tom's thread anymore than we already have, but thank you for your feedback.

Tom, Vereous suggested grunging your tent pole handle and I wholeheartedly agree with that. Make it look you picked it up at a junkyard. Think Dieselpunk, Steampunk's cooler cousin who smells like an ashtray. Think the built out of scrap feel that Starkiller's lightsaber gives off. Kylo Ren's crossguard saber is also very rough and grungy looking, with poorly placed wires and scuff marks. If you google "junkyard lightsabers", you'll see some ideas I've personally been taking note of for my own efforts.