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Thread: First Build, feedback on my schematic?

  1. #1

    Default First Build, feedback on my schematic?

    This is my first build and I decided to be overzealous. I would like to put in an RGB crystal in the hilt that changes color along with the RGB blade. I'm assuming the LED crystal has the same specs as the 5mm RGB LED (but with a common anode), as the crystal has no details regarding voltage or current. I also designed it with an illuminated antivandal momentary switch connected to the Nano Biscotte so it's lit when not idle.
    I also calculated the resistor values for both the crystal and the blade LED. I'm not sure the blade LED resistors are all required based on several videos I've seen. From what I gather, red is the main LED that needs a resistor.

    Could someone let me know if this design looks right (especially regarding resistors and their wattage)?

    Any feedback is greatly appreciated.

    It's hard to see in the picture, but the crystal RGB's resistors are: R = 110Ω, G = 40Ω, B = 40Ω
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  2. #2


    I'm also just doing my first build but for what it's worth your wiring looks good to me. I just posted an identical wiring digram (with the exception of the RGB Crystal, and less pretty). The LED resistors look correct to me (though you may have to round). For the crystal it may be worthwhile e-mailing to ask about the specs (they are very responsive with e-mail).

    Best of luck and may the force be with you! Let us know how it goes. (including the specs for the crystal)

  3. #3


    so, you're obviously prepared to calculate resistors for the common anode RGB accent LED, why not do the same for the illuminated switch and get rid of that clunky dynaohm? I just resistor the light circuit on the switch too, saves room. The inline resistor is small.

    On the main, I use .48 ohm on green and blue with NBIV. I use 1.2 ohm 3w on red. Diagram looks sound, so far, I'm still perusing it. Also, that saber looks familiar! Here was my first MHS build which was also RGB: My Mako Saber



    "Mistakes are our greatest teacher."

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by C'thao Windar View Post
    I'm also just doing my first build but for what it's worth your wiring looks good to me. I just posted an identical wiring digram (with the exception of the RGB Crystal, and less pretty). The LED resistors look correct to me (though you may have to round). For the crystal it may be worthwhile e-mailing to ask about the specs (they are very responsive with e-mail).

    Best of luck and may the force be with you! Let us know how it goes. (including the specs for the crystal)

    Thanks for the Tip, I’ll contact TCSS, asking them the specs on the RGB common anode and I’ll post them here.
    Last edited by HyperTech; 12-14-2017 at 02:19 PM.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Tom Tilmon View Post
    so, you're obviously prepared to calculate resistors for the common anode RGB accent LED, why not do the same for the illuminated switch and get rid of that clunky dynaohm? I just resistor the light circuit on the switch too, saves room. The inline resistor is small.

    On the main, I use .48 ohm on green and blue with NBIV. I use 1.2 ohm 3w on red. Diagram looks sound, so far, I'm still perusing it. Also, that saber looks familiar! Here was my first MHS build which was also RGB: My Mako Saber


    Thanks Tom, Good call on replacing the Dynaohm resistor on the switch LED, I’ll just go on amazon or somewhere to order a resistor for that instead.


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