Hello there!

So I am trying to finish my saber, and I cannot get it to work.

-2x WS2812B neopixel strips
-1x 18650 battery (Since I am not using a charge port, I am going upgrade to a high drain battery)
-1x 2w speaker 8 ohm
-2x SPST Momentary tactile switch
-1x PRIZM 5.1
-1x 4.7k resistor (This is going to be changed to a 470 ohm resistor)

-I wired everything up, checked the connections, added my resistor, popped in the battery, then the SD card, pressed the buttons, and nothing happened. I figured it was either the way I wired my switches, or maybe the SD card is not configured correctly. I don't understand why I'm not at least getting sound. I plugged the blade in after to see if it would activate, no dice there as well.

-When configuring the SD do I need to place the overide text folder into the profile folders? Or will it be set for all of the profiles? I was confused on this part while reading the instruction manual, and I couldn't find anything online about how to set this up. Is there a video on how to configure this without the RICE port?

Any ideas would be so appreciated I cannot wait for this to be completed!

Thank you!

I have attached a diagram of my wiring, and a picture of my wiring to the switches.
