
This is my first ever post, so be gentle with me.

I have a Parks Sabre's ROTJ Luke hilt. It has a beautiful led indicator that goes up and down, and a green EL blade.

Valentines sabre.jpg

When I got it (from a Transformers convention of all places), it didnt work. Yet the hilt was so well made and just lacking in a little tlc i bit the bullet and just bought it. I have stripped it back, re soldered some dodgy bits of snagged wire and so on. Long story even longer, it works now. Frankly, the hilt is so beautiful if it never does more than just look beautiful as a display piece, ill be more than happy.


If not sound, I want a better blade. So here are a few questions, and a little look at the hilt its self............ coz we all love to tinker with a fighty glow sword!

a) Can anyone tell me the actual diameter of an LED. The Parks hilts have a 3/4 inch neck, with a 1 1/8th (internal diameter) handle. Can i turn/adapt an led to fit, is there something specific that will do the job?

b) the inverter sends 8.7 volts to the EL blade. Allowing for a variance in the age of the battery etc, can i just put a resistor on the output down to 3.7 for green LEDs and make a stringe blade custom?

Many thanks for any help you could push my way. If not, ill find a way. I just think a 3/4 inch tube will struggle getting light to travel enough to light a blade to the tip with authority?

Cheers, smsno

ps, me polishing my shaft............. of mt laser sword.