Hello everyone,

I am looking for opinions/advice on the very best HEAVY DUTY dueling blade(s) available. I am looking for real world reviews so I can make an informed purchase.

I finally finished my first two builds (I swear I will post pics eventually), and that means that my stepson and I can finally start to duel.

I did my level best to make the hilts "dual worthy" and now I need the blades to match. The hilt designs are intentionally simplistic and I put them together as securely as I could because I knew that my kid(s) would probably less than gentle with them.

I was not wrong.

My stepson is 8 and already a fairly natural athlete. When he swings, he swings AS HARD AS HE POSSIBLY CAN WITH EVERY MUSCLE IN HIS BODY EVERY SINGLE TIME OVER AND OVER AGAIN FOR SEVERAL MINUTES AT A TIME. His "show" blade lasted all of about 5 minutes before the tip snapped off and went spinning down the driveway. I reattached the tip for our next costume outing, but in the mean time, I need a blade that will stand up to full contact, full speed, all-out SMASHING for as long as possible. LOL

Thanks in advance,
