Check out cutaway builds on the forum, too! I am also working with my first two soundboards from Hasbro. Its fun stuff, I bought two at a used toy shop just in case one goes.. erm.. bad. I too am on a budget. However, there is a sense of nostalgia with these boards for me haha!

Have you checked out this thread?

If your still having trouble, post a picture of your board with all leads label locations, and a schematic of what you THINK you should do/have done so far. I assume you have also done a load of reading like I have on these older boards, too.

My board is much older, so they are probably different. There should be a LOAD of diagrams in the econo sound section.

Also a good place to look:

Both have helped me with my first board. I still need that Tip-42 transistor- you made the right call on that. So far your on the right path- check out those two threads. Im pretty sure the first thread is the one your after.