C battery version, on/off on board
Found a used saber off the bay, and took it apart. Odd that this is a C battery version and the on/off switch is built in to the board. Did a search but didnt find any info on this. How would i wire this thing in to a saber?
Did some testing with jumper wires, this board and parts will work with a 18650 battery at about 3.7 volts, vs the original with 2 C batteries at 3.0V.
And looked at the board a bit more and it looks like I can solder the momentary switch to these 2 joints(Circled in red) and all works. Next on to figuring out how to get the LED in to the mix. Hope this helps someone.
Thread Necro card Played!
Kidding, this did actually help me a lot, there is quite a few different boards out there. Any luck finishing with this one? I've gotten mine to power blue cree's without a transistor and am working on using this board with a charge port. The charge port has been the challenge! Will post pics when finished.
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