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Thread: To be canon? Or not to be canon? That is the question...

  1. #1
    Board Lurker Zabrak's Avatar
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    Default To be canon? Or not to be canon? That is the question...

    Hey all,

    So I'd love to hear from all of you. In light of The Force Awakens, a lot of Expanded Universe content has been thrown out (No spoilers intended, but SPOILER WARNING now). A lot of characters from the EU novels and comic books, as well as several video games, have now been denounced as canon, and Lucasfilms is re-vamping the Star Wars Universe.

    Based on all of the changes that have been made so far, who are some of the characters you want to see? Who are some you will miss? What new content would you like to see in the new incarnation of the Star Wars Universe? Will Post-Episode VI favourites like Kyle Katarn still be around? What happens with Jaina and Jacen Solo? Will there still be a Ben Skywalker?

    Would love to hear your opinions on this exciting new topic!

  2. #2


    I would hope that Mara Jade can still exists in some form.

  3. #3
    Sith Warrior darth_chasm's Avatar
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    I was never really into the old EU stuff. Sure I read some of the books and it was cool to have a little Star Wars during the "dark times," but I always felt it was disconnected in some way or another.

    video games I always thought of as just video games and nothing more. And let's face it- I know I may catch hell for this but-Starkiller?? What a ridiculous idea and character. Cool saber, fun game, but not Star Wars in my opinion.

    Ive read quite a bit of the new canon and I like it. It feels like Star Wars and more connected to the universe. Lost Stars, while dubbed a young reader, is a great novel and probably the best new canon piece so far in my opinion. It spans the OT and peaks at the battle of Jakku. I recommend if you haven't read it yet.

  4. #4


    Only thing I'll truly miss is the old republic novels. Some of those characters and storylines were epic! It's what got me back in to Star Wars. Lot of the 90's stuff was garbage in my opinion. As I read the books chronologically after ROTJ it felt like I was just grinding through the stories. Lucas sold rights to anyone who asked lol.

  5. #5


    I hope Disney has the sense to pay attention to the rich universe that already exists and at the very least pay a little homage. After all, without us, Star Wars would be another adventure that came and went, like Willow or Conan.


    I think they have done so by naming the son Ben, an amalgamation of the Solo and Skywalker sons. Skywalker's name with Solo's fall story. Makes me wonder if Rey is essentially Jaina.


  6. #6


    I can understand why they have to retcon out some of the EU that conflicts with the Sequel Trilogy but they should have had the sense to keep the material set long before the OT that has nothing directly to do with the 'skywalker saga' like KOTOR.

    Which makes me wonder about the status of TOR which still added new material after Disney de-canonized the EU...then said everything going forward would be new canon. Well wouldn't TOR adding material since then mean it is now new canon? and if so wouldn't that LOGICALLY mean KOTOR would have to be added to new canon since it is the basis of TOR material? Unless we are just supposed to fuggedaboud logic and good writing since JJ Abrams doesn't seem to care enough to bother with them [eg Star Trek Into Dumbness freezing a volcano with cold fusion bomb cuz its cold donchah know ?What The Force? and I wont even get into the rampant idiocy in TFA because of not wanting to cause spoilers]

    See what a mess this selling SW to The Evil Mouse turned into. -sigh-

  7. #7


    I will throw my vote in with Mara Jade, although I heard she will be reintroduced on SW:Rebels. I also miss the Solo twins, Darth Talon, and Darth Krayt.

  8. #8


    I sure hope they bring in Mara...even if she doesn't marry Luke [which GL didn't like; he said Luke doesn't get married and I suspect the Sequels will bear out his preference on that] she is still an awesome character in her own right.

    Remember how the Comics have 'rebooted' their universes SEVERAL times [DCs 'Silver Age' reboot of Flash, GL and 'Earth 1' Justice League instead of 'Golden Age' Flash. GL and 'Earth 2' Justice Society, then later the Crisis on Infinite Earths, Marvel's Heroes Reborn and Ultimate lines etc] with 'new versions' of old characters with the same names and in MOST cases people accepted them. Disney owns Marvel too so knows that can be done. So maybe we could still get 'changed' versions of SOME old EU characters recast as new characters if they don't conflict too much...might not satisfy all fans but might satisfy some.

    I think the Solo twins AS WE KNEW THEM are kaput though.

    Maybe they could still bring in Corran Horn and Kyle Katarn 'sideways' just have them be younger characters becoming Jedi AFTER the Sequel Trilogy rather than being part of Luke's first group of new Jedi students that the KoR murdered. Maybe one of them could be Ren's love interest if they don't make Finn into that?

    Their are still possibilities for characters who can be made to not directly conflict with the new canon to reappear with a suitably changed backstory if the writers want to bring them back just as happened with many DC characters originally written out of the new post-Crisis canon - even Supergirl and Flash Barry Allen who were flat out killed in the Crisis came back into the new continuity eventually.

    So maybe even a new version of the Solo twins could come back as Ren's children if he is redeemed later in the ST or something?

  9. #9
    Board Lurker Zabrak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AckAck View Post
    I also miss the Solo twins, Darth Talon, and Darth Krayt.
    I hadn't heard that material that far ahead in the SW universe had been affected. There is no more Darth Krayt? That's really sad...

    I will add my own piece, I am SUPER excited to see what the new movies do with Boba Fett. EU states that he survives the Sarlacc via Thermal Detinator, and goes on to reunite the scattered Mandalorian Clans as their Mandalore, and in turn help our heroes. I wonder if Lucasfilms will keep him dead, or if he will come back in some way......
    Last edited by Zabrak; 01-01-2016 at 06:18 PM.


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