This is the second hilt related to LOTR. I made it for a friend of mine who is a HUGE Tolkien fan. Not huge as in fat, huge as in "knows as much Tolkien as I know Star Wars." So I wanted to make it special for him with some good symbolism.

Like Minas Morgul, it's supposed to be derived from a sword-like hilt; practical sword-like sensibilities, e.g. slim grip, tapered pommel, and quase-guard-like emitter - but with lightsaberyness.

The head is supposed to represent the physical characteristics of Minas Tirth. There are 7 levels, with the top level being the throne room and courtyard. The courtyard extends out onto a huge cliff. The alternating black and white is a design theme most prevalent in the throne room, but also noted throughout Gondorian culture. There are two triangular wing shapes under the rubber grip; one, mid-hilt and the other is just fore of the pommel. The white is sprinkled with a combination of black, silver, green, and yellow powder coat which give it a grey marble or weathered white rock appearance. The blade plug is the king's crown, with King Elessar's (Aragorn's) birthstone. And lastly, the spine has the tree of Gondor engraved on it. It was etched after powder coating so the silver stands out over the white.

I carved out some elvish on the blade. It says, "Out of the Great Sea to Middle-earth, I am come." It's what Elendil (first King of Gondor) says when he arrived at Middle-Earth, also, in ROTK, Aragorn sings it at his coronation ceremony.

The main font is "Captain of Gondor", which is the second dialog version of Steel Sword. I chose quotes that show Faramir's (Captain of Gondor) character; the force sound is an audio montage that highlighs the character differences between Faramir and Boromir (brother) in how they are affected by the ring: in the books, Boromir is lured in and obsesses with it, while Faramir resists it.

The gift was presented in a kit with pick & pluck pelican case, charger, elven blade, halfling blade, crown plug, blue gem kill key, hilt, and SD card with build pictures and videos.

Demo Vid:

Full Album:

How I made Minas Tirith
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3