I'm all but done converting a Hasbro 2007 Luke ROTJ, but I realized that the hole for the blade is much narrower than any other Force FX I've ever worked with. Being able to remove the emitter for honing on a lathe would make things easier (because sanding is a bootch), but I can't get it off the way I have been able to remove Master Replica Luke ROTJ emitters in the past. (I've converted several of those, but this is my first time converting the Hasbro, and I've gotten a few surprises!)

Is there some trick to getting the emitter off, or is it not removable. It looks like there's a seam between the emitter and the rest of the hilt, but I can budge it with strap wrenches. Would spraying some adhesive solvent and letting it sit a while make a difference? It's not my saber, so I don't want to damage it in any way, and I'm worried that adhesive solvent might ruin the faux copper paint.

For what it's worth, I photographed the whole conversion process, since there is no tutorial and I thought I might make one to post here, assuming there's a demand for such a thing.