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Thread: Kanan armor damage?

  1. #1

    Question Kanan armor damage?

    hey guys, wonder if you can help me...

    I'm working on a Kanan build, and got to researching the armor... specifically i'm doing it for a big Rebels S2 group we're doing for Celebration next year in London, so I really want to get it looking at best as i can.

    I screencapped some of the damage / scorching done to his armor at the beginning of S2, and was wondering if anyone had any good ideas about how to replicate that sort of saber damage on ABS armor?

    It's pretty much a horizontal line across his shoulder piece... but since this is the first time i've ever worked on ABS armor like this, i'm a bit confused on how to make the 'damage' look authentic.

    Just wondering if any of you great people had any ideas?

    Thanks a load

  2. #2


    I'd suggest a blowtorch, if you don't have that equipment, I'd take a rat tail file and run it back and forth several times until you achieved the groove, then use a lighter to add scorch marks along it.
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  3. #3


    lol sadly i'm just using ABS armor like this... so authentic blow torch might do more bad than good lol

  4. #4
    Sith Warrior darth_chasm's Avatar
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    Hi Methos,

    I've never done armor before but I've watched several videos at the link below. This guy does a multi video series on a Boba Fett helmet. You can skip to the painting episodes of you don't want to watch them all. His techniques are top notch in my opinion.

    Hope this helps and good luck.

  5. #5


    ohhh thanks, shall have a watch


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