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Thread: Greetings from Italy

  1. #1

    Default Greetings from Italy

    Hello! My name's Samuele (Sam), I'm an Italian fan of Star Wars and specially of the Lightsaber
    Ps: My English is bad.
    I have an Obi Wan Kenobi ROTS with removable blade Hasbro, and now I want to build my first lightsaber.
    I love read and study this forum!
    Unfortunately in Italy - and specially in my region Sicily - this hobby is practically unknown.
    I'm studying for realize my saber and I hope soon to post my first "creature".
    Best Regards

  2. #2


    Benvenuto! Read, read, read is my best advice. Then get some parts and build. Post!
    P.S. My Italian is really really bad. Was better back in college, but not by much.

  3. #3


    LOL, don't worry for your Italian.

    Ps: God bless Google Translate

  4. #4


    Ciao Samuele! I'm glad to see another fellow italian joining the forum. Benvenuto!

  5. #5
    Jedi Padawan
    Jedi Padawan
    Boj-Vaati Mau's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    United States


    Buon giorno! To the forum, welcome you are!

    Knowledge must be balanced by Practice.
    Practice must be balanced by Experience.
    Through Knowledge, Practice, and Experience
    we gain Wisdom.

    -Boj-Vaati Mau
    Jedi Sentinel, Jar'Kai practitioner,
    and Instctor at Strafe Plains Temple

    Saber Guild: Strafe Plains Temple
    The Rebel Legion

  6. #6


    Thank you! I've a little question about the shipment, do you have problem with USPS spedition? How much is the cost of VAT, tax and other? I'm afraid of the Poste Italiane "services", because I've bad experiences on these matters.

  7. #7


    Hey Sam,
    Welcome around!

    I don't know how reliable is Italian post... but I'd say USPS express is the most reliable in our case (altho I had no problem with the last shipment using USPS Priority). First you need to check and understand how the poste will track your shipment in Italy, this way you know where is it.

    Regarding VAT and tax, this is something you have to check on your side (ask your post office or check Unless an Italian user here can help
    In france, there is a minimum amount under which the parcel is not taxable, but if it goes above this limit, then you won't avoid tax and VAT.
    Clicky Sig =>

  8. #8


    As far as I know, up to 50€ the parcel won't be stopped by customs.
    Over 50€, the customs will stop all parcels and they will apply IVA (VAT for non italian people) and some other taxes.
    Normally you can make a good estimate of the expenses calculating 21% of what you paid then add about 10-15€ more for the other taxes.

    To track the shipment you can use the USPS web page or android app until it leaves the US.
    Then, about 2-3 days later, you can follow it in the Poste web site, using the same shipment code you receive from the shop.

    In general I had very good experiences with USPS shipments, and I received a lot of them.
    Only once the parcel was not delivered and shipped back to the shop. This was caused by a nasty SDA driver that did not tell me the truth and left the parcel in the SDA center until they decided to send it back.
    However, you can easily avoid these problems shipping to an address where there is always someone to receive the parcel and pay the taxes.

  9. #9

  10. #10


    Hello Samuele! Ciao Samuele,
    Sono contento di aver trovato anche un connazionale, soprattutto per poterci scambiare
    utili informazioni quando sicuramente far? molta fatica a tradurre indicazioni utili per la realizzazione
    della mia prima lightsaber.
    Se ci sei... batti un colpo. Ne avr? veramente bisogno!!

    Angelo - ArashiLV426


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