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Thread: Store wish list

  1. #1
    Owner of the Custom Saber shop Strydur's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Default Store wish list

    If there is a item you would like to see me stock you can post it here. Please keep all posts on topic.

    Dont ask for us to restock items (of course we are going to restock a item or we would remove it from the store)

    If you are suggesting a new blade holder, etc there will be a much greater chance of it getting selected if you provide a pic/drawing.

    The Custom Saber Shop

  2. #2


    Yah i would LOVE to see the Anikin ATOC emmiter shroud
    or the Vader emmiter shroud
    that would be hella cool

  3. #3


    Square metal grips with slightly rounded edge, Starkiller style, secured to the hilts with small screws, not pre-drilled.

    Also a service for drilling those holes.

  4. #4
    Jedi Council Member cardcollector's Avatar
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    I would like to see Yoda Style grips.
    Got a Question? There's a thread for that...
    ~Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.~Teddy Roosevelt

    SollusVir everywhere else... FXsabers, Youtube, etc...

  5. #5
    Jedi Council Member cardcollector's Avatar
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    it would really be awesome IMO to see more card options.

    Specifically ankakin ROTS, Luke ANH, Vader ESB, and the bubble strip...
    Got a Question? There's a thread for that...
    ~Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.~Teddy Roosevelt

    SollusVir everywhere else... FXsabers, Youtube, etc...

  6. #6
    Darth Reklar


    Kill plug style 2 with knurled edge. (So it would look kind of like a guitar knob.)

    Anodized kill plugs.

  7. #7


    Some more flange emitters would be nice. I'm thinking Revan or Nihilus style. Then one, where the top of the emitter curves kinda up like the Qui-gon themed holder, but with a coil design under the flange.

  8. #8


    How about Fins and Rods to go with Blade Holder # 21/22 ??? Its a really popular model !

  9. #9


    Considering how many sabers pulled double-duty during Episode II, I'd like to see some more parts to make those. Like a blade-holder and pommel to match Aayla Secura's/ Ki Adi Mundi's/ Anakin's borrowed lightsabers (as seen here or here), and a separate blade-holder/ pommel set to match the Shaak Ti/ Adi Gallia/ Bultar Swan type lightsaber (as seen here or here). It does look like a type-8 pommel could be slightly modified to fill that last role pretty easily, though. Really, it's the Secura-Mundi-Anakin set I'd love to have.
    Boring conversation anyway...

  10. #10


    perhaps copper as well? ; )

    and do we have "plugs" for the RICE ports yet? maybe machine some that look like the diodes on Obi-Wan's graflex clamp? you know, the greeblies (ANH and/or ROTS type). could be cool to have a RICE port next to a recharge port, each with the proper greeblie for a nice looking build, and serving a function at the same time.

    just a thought.

    and since you had the red button and glass eye screws, repro graflex clamps would be amazing. seems nobody can find these anymore?
    maybe that last one would be better for the TCSS store "DREAM" list lol along with accurate neck emitters/chokes ; )

    MHS #1 "Coppertop" CFX Neopixel
    MR 616 "Joe Jedi"
    LDM converted Korbanth LS6 (Hero with PC 1.6 and FOC)
    Vintage graflex ANH - probably staying static
    Disney Savi Saber Peace and Justice (experience was worth it)


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