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Thread: Darth Dadderall?

  1. #1

    Default Darth Dadderall?

    So I've just learned I am about to join the august ranks of the Parenthood.

    I'm going to be a father.

    Holy #^@(*.

    Thought you guys might like to know. In case I drop off the face of the net again. I've got a Youngling on the way.

    What is life but the passage to death?

  2. #2




    Red 5 "Move Dangit! I gots Snitz to blow up!"

  3. #3


    Lord. One reply and already Snitzed. That must be some kind of record, James.

    What is life but the passage to death?

  4. #4


    darth dadderall,

    congrats to the next step in life.

  5. #5


    congratulations Daddy!!!
    I have three great kids (who all love SW: even the 2 year old!)

    If you can be there for the birth then do it! I was with my wife for all three and it changes you! I love being a daddy (though sometimes a little less than others ).
    All things a beginning have.
    As all things do an ending.
    Be not too hasty from one to the other to move, or much will you miss, along the way.

  6. #6


    Thanks, all youse guys. (/bronx)

    Seriously, though, I'm really excited and just a little scared stupid. And Tenric? It would take an act of God to keep me away from the birth.

    My fianceé and I have determined that we're having a Geek. There's no two ways about it. Between my SW, both of our computer fixations, her music, and my food geekeries, there's no way s/he'll be able to help it.

    What is life but the passage to death?

  7. #7


    Aw, you're in for some fun! I'm a daddy of an 18 month old girl. She already loves lightsabers. I think you'll have fun. Providing for them is the smallest part of the equation, though some people might have you believe otherwise. It's a great responsibility. And that's the biggie. They'll duplicate whatever you model in your life - both good and bad. Keep us updated.
    There is no apathy; there is Compassion.
    There is no fear; there is Faith.
    There is no despair; there is Hope.
    There is no hate; there is Love.
    There is no death; there is Christ

  8. #8


    Oh, HELL. I guess she's going to learn to wiggle her ears and speak in tongues when angered. Good thing I don't drink or smoke. Or date boys. Ever.

    LOL. Just had that vision of me sitting at home polishing my lightsaber collection when she brings the bf home.

    "You see these toys? Well, there's another one. I keep it in my nightstand. And it works. If you ever want to see it, just break my little girl's heart."

    What is life but the passage to death?

  9. #9


    That's awesome, congrats! I had a little girl that's almost 4 months old. She likes to look at all my toys when she's in my room, and she seems to like watching me swing my lightsabers around. I'm planning on getting one of Ultra's youngling sabers for her eventually.

    It's fun, it's hard sometimes (but she's pretty much an Angel, she's only difficult on the nights she doesn't want to go to sleep), and the responsibility of raising her properly terrifies me. But it's too late now.
    So help me, if you make me sail a ship made of hobgoblin corpses across the ocean, I will find a way to make you pay. - Redcloak

  10. #10


    Grats yourself, Ryan. Maybe we'll try making her a teething saber.

    What is life but the passage to death?


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