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Thread: Sith Stalker Based Helmet and the family Halloween adventure

  1. #1

    Default Sith Stalker Based Helmet and the family Halloween adventure

    So for Halloween this year as per usual I let my oldest kid (now 6) pick the theme. This year he went with Star Wars. He wanted to be Anakin as a fresh Jedi Knight. He chose Sith for his mother and I. For me he wanted me to have a "scary cool" mask.

    Started off by getting my hands on a few MR sabers and doing conversions. Did a Windu for the Wife in RBG purple. Got a Windu for myself and put in a DIP switch to make it multi color select-able. My Windu was quite damaged so I went ahead and repainted all of the gold colored parts/sections on it to Maroon and weathered it. Got a MR Anakin for the boy and put a P4 blue in it. Created and sewed Gi's for the boy and I (his in brown with the black overvest and mine in black). Also made color matching Obi's for both of us. Made a basic black outer robe for the wife and was going to have her wear some black yoga pants with a top of her choice with black boots. The baby (17 months) was going to go as Yoda.
    Used Fox racing Motocross boots for my setup. The big topper was going to be the helmet. I started originally wanting to make a Black Sun Ace helmet from Star Wars Galaxies as I always loved that helmet design. After alot of design work and pages of sketches I decided to go with the Sith Stalker as the base of the helmet and was going to add some of the elements of the BSA helm. I was planning on adding the metal rods that run from the ear to the jaw to open the faceplate and possibly the Black Sun logo. Eventually due to time constraints I opted out on both.
    Worked and worked and somehow got mostly everything done by the night before Halloween. Then of course the youngest kid got exorcist like projectile sick and the wife was soon to follow. So the older kid and I went some of my work friends and their kids. So thanks to the craziness there weren't any photos taken that night, but we plan to fix that this weekend. But I did take many photos of the work as it progressed. Here is a photo of the Helm done with my saber and a few other shots and I'll add in the link to my photobucket albums in lieu of wall of photos if anyone is interested.

    And here's the pumpkin we made:

    Album link:

    I'll add more after we get shots actually in the finished costumes this weekend.

  2. #2


    Helmet looks great! Nice work. That is one sick pumpkin, too!
    "We don't have to win. We only have to fight." - Mace Windu (Shatterpoint)

  3. #3


    Got out to visit the family tonight and got some decent pics. Added some to my Photobucket Halloween 2012 album
    Going to go through the rest and add some more later once I sort everything out. And get pics back from everyone.
    Here's a few:

    My kid as Anakin:

    The youngest as Yoda:

    Me suited up:

    Action shot:

    More Action!:

    Saber in Red:

    Now in Cyan:

    And yes, yes I know Baby Yoda is rocking a red saber...
    It's the Ultimate FX Vader. We had to get him something light weight so he could use it, he is only 18 months after all. It was really meant as a bribe so that he might be satisfied not having any of ours. It worked most of the time.


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