Here's the list of who built every saber.

Contestant #1
Username: Adam Sutphen

Contestant #2
Username: Madmaxx

Contestant #3
Username: Young Hero

Contestant #4
Username: Naigon

Contestant #5
Username: Xanatos1986

Contestant #6
Username: Aradian Valentinei

Contestant #7
Username: Industrial Action

Contestant #8
Username: Arkhan

Contestant #9
Username: Don Se Wion

Contestant #10
Username: Crystal Chambers

And the winners for each category are...

CUSTOM: There was an overwhelming majority of votes for IA's beauty, The Purge. Well done!

MHS: This was a closer battle, the winner (By Tim's tiebreaking decision) is Scintilla by Don Se Wion! The level of fit and finish displayed on your build is fantastic, I look forward to seeing your future projects.

The winners will be getting an email from Tim shortly, the prizes are TCSS gift cards, just like in previous years. Once again, well done everyone!