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Thread: How long did it take for your powder coating to ship? I'm so excited!

  1. #1

    Default How long did it take for your powder coating to ship? I'm so excited!

    Hey all! So my saber is getting powder coated. I ordered everything the other day and the site says to allow 2 weeks until it ships. Just curious, how long did it take for your powder coated lightsaber parts take to ship? I have a body, pommel, choke, and blade holder getting coated. Any help would be great! I can't wait! Once they are here, my saber will be done except for sound!

  2. #2


    I've only ordered powder coated parts once, and if remember right, it took my parts about a week longer than normal to arrive. It's funny how hard it is to wait for saber parts, isn't it? Every time my order arrives I get that magic "My father didn't fight in the clone wars, you crazy old wizard, farmboy" feeling. I'm new to the hobby but I'm definitely addicted, and think it's alot to do with that feeling. Don't get me wrong I love building, having, showing off, and playing with my lightsabers, but I equally love it when that big brown truck pulls up to drop off a box full of pieces of a galaxy far far away!!!

  3. #3


    Somewhere on the site, he says to allow "two to three weeks for custom parts". Well, my first powdercoat order took every minute of three weeks to ship. My second took slightly less, I think.

    And I agree 100% with what you said, Jabba-slave: getting a new box of parts is like Christmas morning each and every time.
    Boring conversation anyway...

  4. #4
    Owner of the Custom Saber shop Strydur's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2005


    It all depends. If you place the order and have a easy to do order and it just happens that I am doing that color on that day then it could ship 1-2 days after you ordered it. If you have 6 parts that need to be done and each is a different color then expect it to be closer to the 2-3 weeks. It also just depends on workload and what else is going on in our lives. We probably got around 30 powder coating orders on the 4th so if you ordered some around then I wouldnt hold your breath.
    The Custom Saber Shop

  5. #5


    Very good information Tim. I appreciate your information. My saber has 4 parts, 2 are chrome and 2 are wet black. Please don't think that I am trying to rush anything. I just received my electronics the other day and was so excited when it all worked so great for me that I ordered my hilt and parts on the spot. I am very pleased with all TCSS' work and can't wait until my order ships. I think I ordered on the 16th. Thank you for your answer. I've seen TCSS powder coating work and it blew my mind; that is why I ordered! Thanks

  6. #6


    I ordered my saber parts with power coating on last Tuesday or so. Its already been shipped and I get my parts on Wednesday of this coming week. I'm having a difficult time keeping myself patient.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Evilpancreas View Post
    I ordered my saber parts with power coating on last Tuesday or so. Its already been shipped and I get my parts on Wednesday of this coming week. I'm having a difficult time keeping myself patient.

    WHAT? Dang, that's awesome. I ordered some parts (with 2 powder coated) on Sunday...this gives me HOPE I might see them before Turkey Day!

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