HI there.

I am in the midst of completing my first HB conversion using Tim's refit kit and am having issues with the heatsink threading into the blade holder.

I am finding that the leads from the led are twisting once the hilt is threaded together to a point that they begin to break. I have tried thicker gauges of wire, as well as using JST quick-connects, as well as direct wire to the sound board. In all cases, as soon as the hilt threads on the wires twist to a point that they break. I may get only one or two successful complete assembly motions through its paces before the wires break and am not sure where to go from here.

Even with the heatsink just barely threaded into the heatsink the problem still persists. I have also tried gluing the connectors to the top of the heatsink but then the wires just break further down the line, and I do not want to risk pulling the off the board.

I am sooo close to finishing this build but this problem is driving me crazy. Of all the builds I have read on here I have yet to have one with this issue. I can see how using a MHS setup alleviates this as the combo floats between the pieces rather than threading into it. That said...this doesn't helo me much.

The only part i was thinking was something like a swivel (like those used in jewellery) that would allow the wires to turn, but not twist.

I'm sure someone has a point in the right direction. I look forward to hearing from you!
