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Thread: Wiring the saber and Illuminated switch

  1. #1

    Default Wiring the saber and Illuminated switch

    Greatly confused by the diagrams talking about circles with numbers on them representing the diffrent connector's on the illuminated Anti-vandal switch, I mean I'm planning too do a
    6V setup with a blue illuminated switch for one of the sabers and a red for the other and yes i have calculated the correct resistor needed but i just never understood by any post
    or the switch diagram how im supposed too do the wiring with the switch

  2. #2
    Council Member
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    Is this the picture you are having trouble with?


    Tell us more about your setup, and maybe we can help.

  3. #3


    Yes, exactly that picture im having trouble with, well I don't understand how the wiring should be done according too that scheme, I mean i understand there is a + and a - side but yeah

    so one of the sabers that is red is following 6V battery setup with the 16mm Anti Vandal Latching Red Ring Switch next in wiring with it cables going somehow and then a 220 ohm resistor
    1/4 W, back too the battery, and also parallel coupled too the wiring is my red led with it's 5,6 ohm 10 W resistor

    other one is same setup with just with a blue illuminated switch same kind with a 150 ohm 1/4W resistor going too the led parallel coupled with a 3.3 Ohm 10W resistor.

    they are both parallel coupled so don't think the led is so much importance my main focus is on the Switch how it should be done with all it's wierd wiring plans

  4. #4



    I think this thread may beuseful

    Basically, you'll have to wire the + and - to the main led output (don't forget the switch led resistor, you'll find it in the resistor chart), and the switch circuit to c1 and no1 (normally open). or to nc1 (normally closed) and c1. This depends on if you want your switch led to light when your saber is on or when it's off.
    The c2 and no2,nc2 are for a double circuit.
    Last edited by Vlad Doon; 02-01-2012 at 08:33 AM.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Vlad Doon View Post

    I think this thread may beuseful

    Basically, you'll have to wire the + and - to the main led output (don't forget the switch led resistor, you'll find it in the resistor chart), and the switch circuit to c1 and no1 (normally open). or to nc1 (normally closed) and c1. This depends on if you want your switch led to light when your saber is on or when it's off.
    The c2 and no2,nc2 are for a double circuit.
    Tried too send a Private message but with no idea about this forum I failed so I just write directly too you, since I have no sound board i found that link a tiny bit confused but however, where is the for example c1 and no1 for (normally open) wired too, will they be
    connected too each other or too the battery or where do they go, that is the only part which confused me

  6. #6


    Well, we'd better start from the beginning. So you plan to make a saber without sound, don't you ?
    According to this fact you'll have to decide which configuration you'll use, are you going to use a buckpuck in your circuit, a led driver or only a resistor ?
    A buckpuck will regulate current and voltage, the led driver will do that too with possible PWM effects such as clash, lock-ups, etc... IMO, you'd better determine which kind of circuit you'll use. There are great threads here that'll help you in this matter. (Don't forget your switch resistor)
    When you decide this, it'll easy to wire the main circuit to your c1 no1 or nc1 switch pads.

  7. #7


    Well it's ordered everything is done, as i said there is only a led driver now, will upgrade too sound board and buckpuck later, but for now there is only led driver with dedicated resistor for that and switch with dedicated resistor for that and battery ofc
    info is up there in earlier post, so how do you wire the open ports for example c1, no1 into the circuit and so, never understood that part how they fit in a circuit with resistors
    Last edited by Waterdropss; 02-03-2012 at 04:11 AM.

  8. #8


    if someone has answer too my last post please respond how too wire in a resistor setup how too wire the AV switches with the No1 and C1 into the circuit

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