Hello everyone, and thanks to anyone who came here after my first post!
I recently purchased 2 LED Modules from Ultrasabers to finish up my Ultrasabers Saberstaff project. I mean no offense to the wonderful people here in Washington with me (TCSS), for I was inducted into the lightsaber hobby through Ultrasabers, and now would like to end my relationship with them, and move on to my own personal brand of saber...
But before I get to my already designed lightsaber from scratch, if you all would help me finish up this side project, it'd be greatly appreciated (and, I need to make sure these LED's are what they should be, since there is only a 90 day warranty with Ultrasabers).
I'm sorry these pics are so big, I edited them down quite a bit in Paint, and on my old camera, and it's still huge, so bear with me all, I beg your forgiveness... This is an EXTREME CLOSEUP, WHHHOOOOAAAAA!!! Of my new RGB LED adjusted by Emory Harris (Deep) or Ultra from Ultrasabers to a forum-only color called "Dark Violet Amethyst," and I have two of them. I need to know what size of a resistor to add to it to put it into a direct drive setup within the basic confines of my Stunt sabers.
Now, according to http://www.dealextreme.com/p/3w-led-...lored-rgb-4530 they are saying that red runs at 2.5 - 3.0 V, and Blue runs at 3.2 - 3.8 V, and both are at 350 mA, so since purple is just red and blue (in theory) and this is just a "darker" purple (more blue), then should I go with a 3.0~V and the 350 mA?
I have a 4 AAA battery pack that comes standard with these stunt sabers. I could change that though, and am open to suggestions. I am here to learn, I am here to listen, and I wont bother you all with a lot of stupid posts, or stupid questions (current question excluded), but I've been dinking with this project now for more than a year. I've done a lot of work, and learned a lot about small electronics, er, at least a lot more than I knew (which was nothing). I just want this complete, so I can focus on my first build, and, that cool mag-lite converter (having been a mag-lite fan for years, thanks TCSS!)...
thanks for your patience all, here are two more pics, just in case!