Why can't I log into the store? Is it a different account now?

I was playing with my daughter and decided to grab the dusty light sabers off the wall and have a duel with a 2 year old. She loved it. Is it bad that she was looking for bunnies with Vader’s saber?

My original MR Luke and my upgraded Vader worked just fine, but I knew the MHS “basic” and the legendary (in my mind anyways) MHS ROTJ Luke had issues… (Dim LED) Come to find out, the Basic needs solder and fresh batteries and it’s going to be just fine. It’s been so long since I’ve messed with it I forgot I had replaced the Hasbro board for a MR. (“Wow, I don’t remember this thing sounding this good!”)

The Luke, with Erv’s Cristal Focus v.1, (Mmmm... Buttered toast...) was the one that worried me the most. I didn’t want that board to be the problem with the LED running at 20% brightness. So I swapped LEDs with the Basic and it worked as perfect as I remember! THANK GOD!
So I go to log in and order a new LED and some other odds and ends and I find out my account doesn’t exist. Gonna have to fix that…

So, anyways… What’s new around here?