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Thread: Need help with Electronics

  1. #1
    Board Lurker
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Suffolk, England

    Default Need help with Electronics

    Ok, so I am not very good with electronics so I need some help here. I want to wire up these together and I need to know how to wire them and how much voltage I will need: a Red Luxeon Rebel Star (700ma 2.3v), a DPDT red ring AV latching switch (forward voltage of 2.1v and runs at about 20ma), an Obsidian sound board from Ultrasabers (accepts any voltage up to 12v), and I want to use a buckpuck (from what I understand is I have to use a 700ma buckpuck with the red rebel star). So how would I wire that and how much voltage would I need to power it. I'll also attach a picture of what my saber will (hopefully) look like without the sleeve since the new saber builder doesn't have a sleeve option. Thanks for your help!


    Custom Saber'.jpg
    >Jedi can carry a red saber!!!
    >Since when?
    >Since they became Sith!!

  2. #2


    You will have to do some research for yourself here. I would start by studying How things are typically wired together. Then look at examples people have used for that soundboard. You are more likely to find answers on the Saber Forum than here as the PC is sold here and the obsidian is very new. I would recommend a 7.4v Li ion battery setup.

  3. #3
    Board Lurker
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Suffolk, England


    I basically know how things are wired together I just need a wiring diagram so I know which way I would wire it. Also what resistor would I need for that LED switch?
    >Jedi can carry a red saber!!!
    >Since when?
    >Since they became Sith!!

  4. #4


    I know this might not be of as much help as you'd like... but there's a section on schematics here that I visit. You can check out some designs there and modify to your need and then repost your ideas for feedback if need be. I also invested in electronics for dummies, though I'm still sorting through all of it. Just make sure on the AV switch you have a resistor wired in so you don't burn it out. Even trying it for an instant will fry it. Only any idiot would do that and waste a perfectly good switch he waited 2 months or more to get.

    ok, I looked for the link of the thread I was following... and the pictures have been removed or missing. So here is what I have been following on the PC wiring. Hope it helps,


  5. #5


    The resistor value for the switch led will depend on pack voltage. Plug your numbers in here.


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