It's the beginning of the end... I'm going to begin making my first saber which in turn will end my padawan life and hopefully launch me into a greater world.

These forums have been amazing in learning things and shaping ideas in my mind. With that let me go into more detail of what I'm looking to do and I'm asking this awesome group of people (known as the TCSS forum Elite) if certain things are possible, ludicrous or maybe just to advance for me at my skill level.

Let us begin...
I have some designs in my head and some on paper and some rendered (I will have to upload them) but a couple questions about the actual saber. I'm looking to make a saber that will have sound, LED switching capabilities, saber effects, powder coating, sink tube overlay, and a recharge port. This won't likely be used a hardcore stunt saber, it may be swing and it may hit something occasionally.

I heard a bunch of different boards and such on youtube but I'm looking for just a basic lightsaber sound, retracting/ detracting, maybe a clash. I don't think I need multiple saber sounds.

I'm not 100 percent sure but the ability to have the lightsaber effects grow up and come down is separate then the sound card but I'd like that also. (maybe that's a crystal focus?)

I would also like to have the ability to switch out LEDs very easily (I know there's a way to do it) it isn't necessary but it would be nice if there is a problem or I'm in a different color mood.

For powdercoating is there a way to get more colors (mostly different shades) of what's offered? I know I would/should PM Tim but I wasn't 100 percent sure because the last thread talking about that was a while ago.

I know the tools and such needed for the sink tube overlay but is there a way to put it on the saber without screwing it on. You'll see why in sobe if my designs that its more regal without noticeable screws.

Recharge port...
And lastly (for now) a recharge port, is it easy to hook up, wire in? I would like to one because that's less times I have to take the saber apart.

I think that's it for now I'm going to update with some designs/pictures and maybe even get some constructive (or violent, either/or I know are meant with love) feedback for them.

Thanks everyone!


[Jedi Knight Camarius]

(P.s. This was all typed on my celluar device so I apologize for wrong auto corrects or wierd sentence structure)