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Thread: A New Trilogy? (Not 3D Re-Releases...)

  1. #51


    Quote Originally Posted by heartagram71 View Post
    didn't read through all 5 pages, so not sure if it was mentioned, but I'd love to see grandpa george go through with his plot scripts of 7,8,9 that got leaked a couple years ago...where the story took place 30-40 years after ROTJ involving the dark Jedi, and clone Jedi...yeah I know it won't happen because by the time they get around to making them, the original cast will probably be too old to do that sort of stuff lol but I'd really love to see a live action Jacen and Jiana Solo battle against Ben Skywalker(Darth Caedus)
    I know that I'm about to be "that guy", but Jacen Solo was Darth Caedus. Ben Skywalker isn't Sith, he's Jedi (so far).

  2. #52


    oh yeah...I cant believe I completely forgot that...I've read the Yuuzhan Vong war series so many times you'd think it would be imprinted in my brain lol thanks for pointing that out, FAIL on my part...

  3. #53


    I would love to see a new SW that is NOT written by GL...preferably set WAYYYYY ABY [and I don't mean the Legacy era] with NO Skywalker-Solo clan...its a biggggg Galaxy not all about one family eh?

    2 thoughts have always bothered me about SW.

    [1] Wouldnt the ORDINARY people [NON-Force users] of the Galaxy eventually get sick and tired of thousands of years of endless 'Star Wars' being brought about by the political machinations of the Jedi and Sith Orders against each other and say "a Pox on BOTH your houses" and want to GET RID of ALL the Force users "for the common Peace"?

    Maybe the Mandalorians wait til one of those tines when the Sith and Jedi ALMOST wipe each other out and then they step in and finish the job? Mandalorians take over the galaxy, hunt down every Force-user and OUTLAW both the Jedi/Sith religions alike and after a few centuries people have almost forgotten there ever was "the Force", Jedi or Sith...and most people LIKE it that way after centuries of Star Peace instead of Star Wars...until Force users make a sudden resurgence...and everything all goes 'squirrelly' again...

    "Return Of The Force"?

    [2] Slavery. No not of people in Hutt Space or outside the Republic/Empire/whatever civilized instirution rules the Galactic centre. No I mean DROID slavery.

    How long before droids get sick and tired of being treated like 'possessions'? And REBEL. And I can guess who might just be behind that too...a feisty little droid who's seen a lot of History and never got a memory-wipe and has developed a LOT of 'personality' in the couple thousand years since the Battle Of Yavin maybe? If you havent noticed in each of the SW films there is a point where that part of the Saga would never have happened if not for the actions of a little Astromech hero eh? Maybe he decides to 'liberate his people'?

    "Revolt Of The Droids"?

    Well those are just two alternative directions by way of example than the endless 'Jedi vs Sith' but obviously there are many others, probably much better, that writers other [and better] than Unca George could take SW...paging Dr Drew Karpashyn, Dr Karpashyn to Franchise Surgery, stat...

  4. #54


    Quote Originally Posted by heartagram71 View Post
    I'd really love to see a live action Jacen and Jiana Solo battle against Ben Skywalker(Darth Caedus)
    Sorry I think you mean Jaina VS Jacen (Darth Caedus) Ben was Caedus's apprentice.

    Missed that reply.

    That said they were the legacy of the force series, not the new jedi order (vong series).
    Last edited by Invisas1979; 05-27-2011 at 07:38 AM.
    Obi-Wan: "If you spent as much time practicing your saber techniques as you did your wit, you'd rival Master Yoda as a swordsman"

    Anakin: " I thought I already did"

    Obi-Wan: "Only in your mind, my very young apprentice"

  5. #55


    Quote Originally Posted by Onli-Won Kanomi View Post
    I would love to see a new SW that is NOT written by GL...preferably set WAYYYYY ABY [and I don't mean the Legacy era] with NO Skywalker-Solo clan...its a biggggg Galaxy not all about one family eh?

    2 thoughts have always bothered me about SW.

    [1] Wouldnt the ORDINARY people [NON-Force users] of the Galaxy eventually get sick and tired of thousands of years of endless 'Star Wars' being brought about by the political machinations of the Jedi and Sith Orders against each other and say "a Pox on BOTH your houses" and want to GET RID of ALL the Force users "for the common Peace"?

    Maybe the Mandalorians wait til one of those tines when the Sith and Jedi ALMOST wipe each other out and then they step in and finish the job? Mandalorians take over the galaxy, hunt down every Force-user and OUTLAW both the Jedi/Sith religions alike and after a few centuries people have almost forgotten there ever was "the Force", Jedi or Sith...and most people LIKE it that way after centuries of Star Peace instead of Star Wars...until Force users make a sudden resurgence...and everything all goes 'squirrelly' again...

    "Return Of The Force
    I think that's a great idea. I would find a stroy line like that quite interesting.


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