(TTT or T3)

An Insane Project By Novastar (who else?!?)

It's storytellin' time, kids!!!

* Concept here is to build a repository of "audio stories" -- mainly for the CF "player" (iSaber) mode
* Stories / tales / short dramas that would be fun for people (mostly children??!) to listen to...
* Stories with different "character voices" would be a nice bonus... (see below for more)
* Sound effects could naturally be added...
* If you don't feel confident reading + mixing + mastering your OWN story... pass a text version on to me (Novastar), and with your permission, I'll do some reading + mixing of my own... and there ya go!! Your story forever into CF history!
* Great for a REAL treat for kids come bedtime + storytime, hahahah.

This idea was born of conversations I had with Arkai Halon (Kevin) and Eastern57 (Joshua) some months ago. There was talk about a sort of "Holocron" idea/concept, but it didn't completely come to fruition--at least in the precise way we were all thinking about.

At any rate... the STORIES can still get made though.

So... if you're down... here are the guidelines:

1. WHO ARE YA?! Either post your tale/story to this thread or send to me in PM or something (for example if you want it "private" until it's time to audio release it). Help me out by doing the following FIRST, no matter WHAT!! -->

Login/handle/geek name
Real name
Story name + significant things about it (like Episode I, or chapter IV or whatever, if applicable)
How you wish to be credited ("by Novastar" or would you prefer your real name, etc.)


2. PUNCTUATION! GRAMMAR!! SPELLING!! CONSISTENCY!! Don't send me a giant compilation of your travesties of the written word! Do your best to be organized and consistent with any dialogue, formatting or whatever the case.

3. NOT TOO LONG. I'm not going to go all "Length Nazi" on you guys, but... please... don't make me vocalize + edit + add sound effects + music to your 50 page story!!!! Exceptions might be if you said you'd pay me $200, hehehhe. But really... let's not go INSANE here. If you have a long story you wish me to do... let's BREAK IT DOWN into SMALLER PARTS first. Like episodes? Chapters? And we'd go ONE BASE ATTA TIME, capisce?!?

4. PEOPLE LIKE IT! It is REQUIRED that at least 5 people have read your story (not your parents, please)... and told you that they found it interesting, suspenceful, fun, exciting... SOMEthing! Also... I hate to tell you this, but if I read your story and it lacks some of the most BASIC and FOUNDATIONAL keys of drama/story-writing (for example having a bloody ~plot~)... I will not be accepting it, and most likely won't record + edit + add sound to it. Sorry... we all want INTERESTING Tales of The Toast...

5. CHARACTERS. Ok... this is where things can get very unique and we can have a lot of variety.

SOME stories are simply "NARRATOR" style. As in:

"Tarligohn, still dizzy and dazed, desperately leaped toward his blaster--which was only a moth's breath away from plummeting off the cliff--but just then, the extreme winds of Aronyius IV took hold of him! Tarligohn had experienced such torrential winds before, when he had first arrived... but they now struck at the most perilous and unfortunate time..."

So that's narration. Often referred to as 3rd person.

SOME stories are "FIRST PERSON" style. As in:

"I felt as if a space cruiser had hit me. I couldn't see straight; my ears were ringing and my head was throbbing... but I couldn't think about anything other than the blaster. I needed to get that bloody thing in my hands! It wasn't far, maybe ten feet away... but it was on razor's edge--about to fall into a chasm on Aronyius IV, lost forever. I dashed for it... but those horrible winds flared up, and cast me asunder..."

So that's 1st person. Like from YOUR perspective.

SOME stories can be more "film" or "theatre" style... where it's all about the action & dialogue. This would be more like an audio version of Balance of Power EP I or EP II (or EP III, heheh!!)... but those can often be confusing when sound DOESN'T "tell the story". This is hard to explain, but it is quite doable if you know what you're doing and what your objective is.

Anyhow. There ya go. Lots to work with! Characters can of course SPEAK, too! Even when a narrator is present (so-to-speak). Keep in mind... when you add characters though--they need VOICES, and it either means you (or I?!?) will have to record such things. Lots of work.

If anyone is interested... there ya go... "TALES OF THE TOAST"!!