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Thread: OPk2 lens for k2 led

  1. #1

    Default OPk2 lens for k2 led

    Hi all,
    I just purchased a white k2 and a OPk2 base module with a 6 degree spot lens from The k2 comes in star form there. I'm having trouble with the assembly. The opk2 module doesn't seem to want to fit in the blade holder. The nylon screws kind of prevent the module from adhering to the k2 led. Does anyone have any experience with the k2 led and lens? Any help would be appreciated. I can take pictures if that helps.

    "There is no try, only do"

    -Jedi Master Yoda

  2. #2


    One idea is to try 2way heat sink tape (available from computer suppy stores) instead of your nylon screws.

    Just a thought.


    You want to go home and re-think your life

  3. #3


    Would Radioshack carry it? The problem is that without the screws, the lens fit perfectly. But when I mount it to the heatsink, everything goes wrong. The screws block the lens from mounting on the led. I'll try the tape. I keep hearing about this thermal paste or thermal epoxy. Everytime I ask a radioshack employee for it, they stare at me blankly like. [?][?][?]

    "There is no try, only do"

    -Jedi Master Yoda

  4. #4


    Naw, go to a place that repairs computers.
    Te tape is the way to go - easier to use than epoxy.


    You want to go home and re-think your life

  5. #5


    Well, I could try standard lenses and optics. But I don't want to spend money on something thats not garunteed to work. I might just try your idea Madcow...

    "There is no try, only do"

    -Jedi Master Yoda
    Essence of the Force

  6. #6
    Owner of the Custom Saber shop Strydur's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2005


    I have a holder for the k2 that will use my standard lens. I am just not positive the star base is the same as a standard star.

    The Custom Saber Shop

  7. #7


    Well, I emailed you about it, Strydur. The star mount they sold was white, while the star mount you sell is black. Otherwise I don't believe theres any difference. As I don't have a 3 watt or something to compare it with. I fits perfectly on the heatsink and is placed exactly like the tutorial you have. So, I think standard collumator(sp) or fraern(sp)lens will work because the k2 is the same size and shape.

    "There is no try, only do"

    -Jedi Master Yoda
    Essence of the Force


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