Darn that rocks!!! Sometimes without cussing it just dosen't seem to express my feeling enough... A weakness I suppose.

I wish that George would take that hint with responses from this videos and do and adult series!

This is what we want to see Jedi and Sith ripping it up, Force Powers Unleashed and no one holding back!

The Clones Wars is ok... I enjoy it because well it's got all the elements buts its drawn so kid friendly. I believe it's made for adults but tamed for the kids watching also which I understand... I think he wants the kids to watch so he can market it and sell toys which is a shame, kinda like selling out really... come on George how much money do you already have???

Mabye we should combine these threads and start a discussion about how many people would watch an adult CGI movie or show? How would you feel about that...?

My reasons being while the CGI movies for SWTOR look insane the game wont look anything like them and that's kinda a bummer... I know that you just can't have a game like that (MMORG) look like the CGI it would bog down the fastest computers. TFU2 wil look pretty close I bet, but you'll be playing alone and not able to interact with online players... I kinda like to share my Star Wars experience.

I would really like seeing something adult like these cgi movies, anyone else?