Wow basket hilt on a saber, I want to get sketching on this idea. I gotta finish off my sink tube sleeve first.

There have been great ideas so far, now all we need are some sketches or renders.

I am now going to build the Iron Man, have a good idea what the MHS components will be, I'll use the builder to rough out the shape and have a drawing of some sort up tomorrow.

New crossover ideas:
1. Doctor Who Dalek blaster arm saber
2. babylon 5 rangers saber expands and contracts the hilt like the mimbari fighting pole.
3. Batman utility hilt with lots of black rubber and silver utility belt around the hilt (as already listed on the thread)
4. Fantastic 4, shiney with the big 4 on it, lots of flashing LEDs
5. Judge Dredd lawgiver saber matt gray/black with a little silver with LED segments for power and the judge badge.
6. Tron with lots of EL wire highlights
7. Wild West - looks like the barrel of a colt 45 but the spinning barrel is the handle of the hilt, rotates to give different coloured blades?
8. Doctor Who sonic screwdriver saber

And that's my lot for this post. Any more ideas? let's have some drawings