
Type: Posts; User: Darth Vardis

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  1. Replies

    Niiiiiiiice work, I like the mod you've done to...

    Niiiiiiiice work, I like the mod you've done to the CSS equipe pic, i hope to do as well, i'm hoping to get just as creative, oooohhh yer....
  2. Hasbro Count Dooku 2006

    Is the electronics in this one similar to yours? Like could I hook it up the same? it sort of looks the same, can you help me? Do I need to put a resistor inline with me 5watt Lux led?
  3. Replies

    I just made one

    Ohhh very nice, what is the balance like on it to use? I have gone through the same process but i'm looking at upgrading the power pack to something larger and changing the led to a brighter one.
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