It's a pretty cool obsession if you ask me! ;)
This is an upgrade to my Graflex! I had electronics in it years ago, and one day it just stopped working. (I had a repurposed MR Anakin soundboard...
Type: Posts; User: 0XxZachAttackxX0
It's a pretty cool obsession if you ask me! ;)
This is an upgrade to my Graflex! I had electronics in it years ago, and one day it just stopped working. (I had a repurposed MR Anakin soundboard...
You are just everywhere aren't ya? Lol
I will try both and see what I like. And your right I've seen so many variations on diffusing. I was just curious on what everyone is liking for their...
I figured out the problem!
The battery holder I am using ( does not like to accept flat top 18650 batteries.
Yeah I bridged the LS pad. I got that information last night after I posted this, and bridged it.
Thank you!
I actually pulled it off of the charger to test everything, so it was fully charged. Thank you!
Hello there!
So I am trying to finish my saber, and I cannot get it to work.
-2x WS2812B neopixel strips
-1x 18650 battery (Since I am not using a charge port, I am going upgrade to a high...