Did you ever get your answer?
I was under the impression that you were correct in that we can use a 3.7 or 7.4 as long as we resistor it properly, but no one has confirmed nor denied this so I'm...
Type: Posts; User: ColdVizjerei
Did you ever get your answer?
I was under the impression that you were correct in that we can use a 3.7 or 7.4 as long as we resistor it properly, but no one has confirmed nor denied this so I'm...
Would love to see you do a video about this!
Played with increasing the flkd value in the config file and that seems to have solved it!
Now that I think about it, I don't know why I didn't think of adjusting the flkd when I first...
Awesome, glad to know that the way I wired the LED in series seems to be ok. Just gotta have better color schemes for the wiring in the future.
I've actually been using alligator clips for the...
1. 7.4v Li-ion 3400mAh 18650 Battery Pack
2. Whoops, my understanding was positive of one die1 goes to the board. negative of die1 goes to positive of die2. negative of die2 goes to the board....
Just wired my first BBW tri-cree with the blues in series and when I turn the saber on, I get a static blade.
Checked the config file and I have flks set to 3. Changed the flks value to 20 to see...
Sounds like you activated mute on the go.
The NBV4 now has that feature so if you hold the button a little longer past the initial beep, it should beep again with a different tone, and then go to...
Uhm, whoa. That is a super fancy crystal chamber!
Can't wait to see it lit up!
This might just be the among some of the best things to have ever happened on this forum.
It would depend on where you want to house the 16mm short av switch. I've done it before closer to the male end of the choke:
Whao, super excited to see where this is gonna go!
Also, I didn't know you could get custom MHS pieces in copper or other materials, that's pretty cool :cool:
LS6 + MK III Hybrid Hilt
I've always liked the thin neck sabers from the movies, so I figured I'd make something similar to Luke's hilt from ROTJ.
Have you checked the config files? Might have to edit the color profiles in there.
This ^
All hail Acerocket :D
blade holder 5
ribbed choke combo
3 inch double female extension
.75 male/female extension
pommel style 3 V2
Activation box style 1
That's something similar to what I've got going on. You can...
Not sure why it happens, but something similar happens to me sometimes.
Using a NB v2 and wired my Red and Green in parallel with the rB for FoC. When I pull the kill key, 33% of the time the red...
I'm guessing you're talking about powder coating that requires machining afterwards. TCSS has discontinued that for now, which is why that option is no longer present in the MHS builder.
The Graflex 2.0 isn't an exact replica of the graflex 3-cell flash.
It was designed to be made into a lightsaber hilt with electronics so there were some concessions made in the designs in order...
I believe in you!
Can't wait to see it all wired up :D
^I second this!
Dang, I'm impressed!
Seeing this amount of detail makes me realize how basic my builds are. Super inspired and motivated to improve and step up my game now!!! :lol:
What Darth_Chasm said.
I usually sandwich mine between the speaker holder and an additional chassis disc (specifically the chassis disc for recharge port) so that it stays put.
I...can't handle the awesomeness!!! So much detail!
The Vader inspired wires are a really nice touch :D
Very true. Just unfortunate to have learned that the hard way.
I'm really glad TCSS now stocks the CF boards so I no longer have to deal with the international shipping and customs and all that.