I prefer the over lapping shroud.I just think it would make it more realistic and look better.But it's your choice.Chosse which one you like best.:p
Type: Posts; User: alcadude
I prefer the over lapping shroud.I just think it would make it more realistic and look better.But it's your choice.Chosse which one you like best.:p
Really cool saber! It looks very top heavy due to the guard.Does it feel like that in person.Cant wait to see an blade and led in it.:p
They already have a thin walled yellow blade.http://www.thecustomsabershop.com/1-Thin-walled-Trans-Yellow-PolyC-40-long-P1216.aspx
Very neat saber!How did you get that hammered look?
Thanks for the help"
I have not been able to find the manual for it.I have checked the plecter labs page.Also does it have a lot of the good features of the v8 like combo and stab?Looking forward to wiring it:D
thank you so much for the detailed advice
I understand that you can make your own sound fonts but i don't know where to start or how to make it.What kind of software do you use and how do you put it onto the sd card?
I really like that saber! I love the weathering and crystal chamber.:D
You used a really neat inspiration on to make a really special and unique saber.I really like the subtlety of the rebellion worked into it.
very cool how did you make that claw without advanced machinery?
Really neat saber
Very cool!I wish I could make something so magnificent
What kind of etching did you use??:p
What is your favorite sound font made by the amazing Madcow?
I know he has made many great ones and I want to know which ones are the best!
Good to know!Its always good when you get a soundboard up and running!:p
The focusing lens narrows the beam so it will be brighter further up(I think)but due to the short length of the quillons you should be okay.But I have never made a cross guard saber and I may be...
Every thing looks good other than the fact that you don't have a recharge port.That is not a bad thing but it makes charging the saber soo much easier.
This video should help
Is it possible to take that adhesive off and replace it with a stronger one???
There are templates you can print out that have proper alignment
But how do i wire it.Do I put a wire on each one or bridge it?
It is pretty hard to know what the problem is without pics.But it could have something to do with the battery connection,led wiring, or resistor wiring.
Where are the rice pads for prizm and how do I wire and use them?
I have already read the manual and I have not seen any labels ect for the.:p
I personally have the prizm and I really like it.It has all the features I need at a moderate price.
Yes but there is a 10 dollar price difference and you have to hack the pc for color changing,so to color change properly you would need a color xtender which is 60 dollars
I would like to,know if making bone segments is easier out of epoxy or PVC and some pointers on how to do it.:p