It can defiantly be done
Also it depends on what pommel you use. The shorter pommels present an additional...
Type: Posts; User: Baboon
It can defiantly be done
Also it depends on what pommel you use. The shorter pommels present an additional...
Thanks! I did try to do that but I don't think I took enough off cause it wasn't working that way
So I've been trying to find a particular kill key, I've searched the last few days and can't seem to find it. It's a kill key that all you have to do is turn it to activate the saber and not remove...
Lol, well he gave me the money for the parts. I wish I could afford to give out hand made sabers lol
So this is a saber that a friend wanted me to make after seeing my personal saber Custos, which I posted here His inspiration was...
Hey all, so this is a remake of a saber I posted a little over a year ago
I redid a few things, like...
I already have a extra MHS body, I just need a emitter and pomel. Funny thing is my sink tube saber is hella durable and I didn't think of using that one instead lol.
Lol, funny thing is that was the second time that saber broke, and the third time we broke a PVC saber. All I gotta say we're not going to duel with PVC sabers anymore.
So I have a new video, no armor this time but we refined the original duel and added more to it......Don't mind the saber parts flying everywhere
Glad to be of help.
I'm not sure, I had taken a picture of one someone used and used that as reference when I went to Radio Shack lol
If what your experiencing is what I experienced with some of the Hasbro cards, your going to need a PNP type power transistor wired in there. I know there are some schematics around on the forum...
Ok cool thanks, and looking back at past orders looks like the econ board has a 3.3ohm 5w resistor. And like I said this would just be temporary until the NB comes back into stock.
I'm a little curious about resisting a tri rebel b/b/w, because I'm upgrading my saber from a rebal star blue with a econ sound board and 4 aaa battery pack (6v total) to a nano biscotte v2. and 3.7...
Ok, so I can't for the life of me figure out how I have this thing wired wrong, but I did find how to use a latching switch and get a "shimmer" on clash effect. Basically I have the negative from the...
Looks like the transistor I'm using is a TIP120 Darlington Transistor. Looking at the transistor I used in a previous build, looks like I used a TIP42 PNP silicon transistor. I kinda have a funny...
Lol, thanks for the help. I'll have to check on the transistor type when I get home, unfourntatnly the fun of saber smithing can't follow me to work (all the time)
Thanks a lot for the reply's. Interesting thing happened last night when I was playing with it, I happened to have a transistor laying around so I wired it up with that. When I have it wired up...
I think it has to do with the negative leads for the LED not giving enough amperage? (not sure if amps or voltage). With both LEDs hooked up to either board if I have the negative from the LED going...
I just tested both LED's on a saber that I know works just fine, and both LED's lit up as bright as could be, so I don't know whats going on
Hi all. I'm having an interesting issue with one of these, I'm making two lightsabers for two kids,...
Heres a video that me and my cousin did, I'm the one in the armor with the robe and blue lightsaber (the MHS one). The robes he's using was borrowed.
Thanks, I was kinda thinking the pommel for the recharge port, and have an idea on how to mod the speaker holder. Once I get this bad boy built I'll have to show it off lol
So I have another question, or rather I'm asking for opinions. Here is the design I want to do
And what...
Ah ok, thanks