
Type: Posts; User: Jay-gon Jinn

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  1. Replies

    I meant to comment on this when you posted it...

    I meant to comment on this when you posted it Greenie, but forgot somehow...getting old I guess! That said, its beautiful work as always, looks amazing!
  2. It may also help to ensure the R.I.C.E version...

    It may also help to ensure the R.I.C.E version you're using matches your firmware on the board...there are several versions of CFX R.I.C.E on the PlecterLabs site. I'm also sure that TX and RX are...
  3. double check your ground connection and make sure...

    double check your ground connection and make sure it's good. Have you tried connecting RICE through the usb port on the board?
  4. Replies

    Really, cool E! It looks great, and you'd never...

    Really, cool E! It looks great, and you'd never know it was just a bunch of aluminum tubing to start with!
  5. Replies

    Sticky: Thirded! Edit: Also would like to see if we...


    Also would like to see if we can get acrylic chassis discs that simply hold a 21700 cell, centered or off set for wire clearance in the disc.
  6. Yes, that would work well with it. I would go...

    Yes, that would work well with it. I would go with the thin-walled show blade, since you aren't going to use it for dueling. This one:...
  7. I recall re-using the original blade on a few...

    I recall re-using the original blade on a few conversions I did back in the day, and they never looked as good as the TCSS replacement blades. The diffuser inside those blades is usually attached to...
  8. Thank you, sir!

    Thank you, sir!
  9. thanks! I like how this one turned out, even if...

    thanks! I like how this one turned out, even if it wasn't exactly the way I originally intended. Those discs do come in handy, even if you don't use them as they were designed!
  10. Final Pics!!! ...

    Final Pics!!!
  11. After having to read and re-read the manual for...

    After having to read and re-read the manual for the Golden harvest board, I managed to to get it to work:
  12. Before adding the rest of the wires, I thought...

    Before adding the rest of the wires, I thought it'd be a good idea to double check the room I'd have to work with in there:
    Not bad....
    This was almost ready...I forgot to add in a positive lead for the sound board, though. I got that later and all was well.
    To ensure that the chassis disc doesn't spin and move the recharge port, I figured I'd just add a small 4-40 button head screw to hold...
    Installed the black button switch.
    Checked to see how it will line up...
    I put a couple of closer rings on the pommel end of the saber to tie it into the extension collar, too.
  17. Well, I guess I can just post the pictures here,...

    Well, I guess I can just post the pictures here, too. :wink:

    This is what I started with in May of 2021...yeah, it's been awhile!
  18. Jay-gon Jinn's Brass Saber Series #32 (BS-32)

    I am currently finishing up this build and have been posting it on my personal Facebook page, if anyone want to check it out, the album is here:...
  19. Replies

    I built one waaay back in 2004 or 05 and used a...

    I built one waaay back in 2004 or 05 and used a piece of 14mm side glow fiber optic cable. It was lit by a Luxeon III led at the time, and was no brighter than the EL sabers that were popular back in...
  20. Replies

    That's sad news. May he rest in peace. I have one...

    That's sad news. May he rest in peace. I have one of his sabers that was sent to me years ago for upgrade work, but the owner disappeared several years ago, so I added to my collection.
  21. Sticky: There are several styles of blade plugs in the...

    There are several styles of blade plugs in the store:
  22. Replies

    Ypu guys did damn fine work in that contest, and...

    Ypu guys did damn fine work in that contest, and I believe yours got my vote! Love the polished aluminum and copper on this one!
  23. Replies

    Very nice detail work on the crystal chamber!...

    Very nice detail work on the crystal chamber! Well done!
  24. I don't think it's charging...the indicator on...

    I don't think it's charging...the indicator on the charger should be red and steady on when it's charging, green when fully charged. The fact it's blinking red says something isn't wired correctly.
  25. You're using the wrong battery for that...

    You're using the wrong battery for that requires a minimum input of 5 volts...your battery is only capable of 3.7 nominally, or 4.2 on a full charge. What you use to drive the led will...
Results 1 to 25 of 499
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