Darn, i just noticed the size difference, i want both to look the same :(
Type: Posts; User: Thorgal Pain
Darn, i just noticed the size difference, i want both to look the same :(
Can i use the 2.1mm RICE port to charge my batteries? Arent they the same thing?
Cool thanks, so they snap onto the sinkpad?
Im about to purchase a tri Cree RGB and a lens but i cant find the lens holder in the store. Do i need one and if so please point me to them because i must be blind, i cant find them.
About the bottom point, i was gonna use it to hold the D ring but i too think it looks funny. Anyways, i already made big changes to it so a lot might change still. Im in no rush, i wanna do this...
Here are 2 3D renderings of my design in progress.
Ty very much for the compliment, but what im looking for are flaws, anything you see that would cause a problem, this is my first build and even if i plan carefully im bound to miss things.
Right now i have 3 inches available but i will resize once the prototype of the CC is done.
If i dont, no room for a CC.
Got to work on my full reveal chassis's design today, i tried respecting the dimensions but i came to the conclusion that the hilt needs to be 2 inches longer so i will adjust it to work.
So there...
I like it, it stands out of the crowd.
Ok, been reading some more about batteries. Sorry if i get the refferences crossed but you will understand still.
So, if i use 2 seperate 3.7v 3400mAh (18650) in parallel to double the mAh instead...
Am i wrong thinking that there is an error on the battery choice? Isn't the 14650 pack listed not rechargeable? If so why the recharge port?
Ok so in the CF user guide it is recommanded to use 2 18650 cells, would a pack like the one im reffering to be considered has 2 cells or do i need 2 packs? Sorry if i keep coming back with this but...
Ok so i started working on my chassis design but got stuck within 5 minutes. What size is the 18650 canadian recharge pack/cell? Also, can anyone explain what the difference is between that one and...
Good question, i have been reading so much that i must have gotten info mixed up along the way. Nvm, i will keep reading, i think my brain is getting fried with all the info and new skills i have...
What about the cell pack? The description says its a 2 AA pack, do i need 2 packs or just the one?
And for the speakers, does the size and qty of hole change much on loudness?
The collet is something i am working on, for a basic idea, take a look at a skimmer telescopic pole, its realy the simplest way of doing it but the challenge is getting it to be thin enough not to...
Hello all!
I figured i would start this and get pics, logs and questions i have all in the same post.
Here goes,
I will be building my own parts; hilt sleeve, emiter sleeve, chassis and so on....
Love the small details to the crystal chamber and the overall look of the saber, nicely done.
3D printing the chassis is something i didnt think about, you can add nice details.
* Ponders at the...
Cant wait to read the replies, i thought that using a NB meant you did'nt need a puck. If so i will need to read the entire electronic and LED guides.
Good luck with your build.
One more question, is the distance between the blade and the LED assembly important? If so how far from it should it be for best result?
Sorry for double posting, realized i did once the reply...
Its just a first draft but so far this is the one i like best.
Already made a few changes, i will post more pics as the project progresses.
Final draft
Gold and Chrome with green blade and accent LED.
Drew more POV's of it. Still missing emitter and pommel view.
Thing is, some of the ideas i have i see clearly in my head but i cant draw them. Solidworks would help get those parts done, best exemple, i cant draw a propeller, what i wanna draw is simillar to...