Sickness! Definitly a sickness, but a good one :)
Type: Posts; User: Slite
Sickness! Definitly a sickness, but a good one :)
Nice build, kid will go ape over it :)
Wow, excellent designs... Will the blade colours be "themed" after the names as well?
And it was totally awesome!
I can't wait to see the darn thing now!
Hi guys,
was thinking of adding a sleeve/shroud to my first build (still in planning stage), but I was wondering if anyone know what the european equivalent of the PVC pipe used in the US is?
Thanks for your input SS,
But I actually believe I can place the tactile switches without going into threaded areas. If you check this image, I plan on placing them in the outlined area... Thats...
Hi guys,
came up with this idea and would like som input on it, I will powdercoat a significant part of it black as I invision this as a Sith saber. Want to have an orange-red "sunset" colored...
Well hello there!
Stumbled on the art of sabersmithing just recently, pretty quickly found the TCSS site after looking at sites that wanted laughable amounts of money for "stockbuilt" sabers.