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11-18-2010 06:11 PM
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The first video completion date

by cardcollector on 12-23-2010 at 07:55 AM
Alright, yesterday I sat down and divided all the aspects of saber building into different build categories. I am working on the introductory video that will be 3-5 minutes long... I hope to finish that and post it right after the first of the year. After that, I hope to post a new part in the building process at least every two weeks.

The majority of that time won't be building, but editing.
Always building,

After some thinking (and

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Updated 01-19-2011 at 09:10 AM by cardcollector


I think I'm gonna do it...

by cardcollector on 12-22-2010 at 08:19 AM
Well guys, I have thought long and hard about this after reading a request by Novastar and I don't know how many on youtube about making a video series on how to make a lightsaber from completely scratch. I have a nice camera, the right software, enough parts lying around, and free evenings, so why not?

I am going to be building a pvc stunt saber, so more people will be able to just "go out and make one" because it is a lot easier and cheaper to make a saber out of PVC.

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My Saber Log Blog

by cardcollector on 11-14-2010 at 08:46 PM
Hey all,

I am just going to post in this blog what sabers (and any other hobbies) I work on in the future, I probably won't post much, but thought I'd go ahead and start. Some background Bio on saber building is as follows...
- I started building sabers back in January 2009. I have built around 10 metal sabers, and abut 30 PVC since then. I have every economy hasbro soundboard on the market, so if you ever have questions about one, I can probably help you out.
- I started

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