if it details all the steps on how to do it, put it in the build thread forum. Otherwise just do general hilt building or gallery
no problem man, it's why there is a moderator
Most other folks haven't had a lot of time to mess with it either.... BUT.... ReplicantFX just came out with yet another new chip... with some major upgrades, especially as far as programability. I have an accelerometer in hand now, which I can start experimenting with. If it all comes together it really seems infinitley doable. I'm not sure where you left off, but we already have a 4X driver board figured out that can run up to (4) @ Up to 2000 MA LED's (Or Red, Green, Blue and Amber like the LEDEngin one.) You can "snip off" drivers so you can configure it for 1, 2, 3, or 4 outputs and configure each between 20MA to 2000MA depending on the value of one resistor (Per driver). That's already been figured out and posted at the www.replicantfx.com website, in the forum under a post titled "We need a Luxeon Driver Design" around page 4 or 5. http://www.replicantfx.com/Forum/vie....php?f=17&t=16 So.. powering LED done... playing WAV files done.... hooking up the accelerometer and making it all play nice... in progress. Drool video using only ONE driver at 2A running a balls out red LED from LEDEngin, done by Clockwork: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wgd64kAT_E