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  1. View Conversation
    Hey Xwing, I've heard good things about your saber blades. How do they compare to the TCSS blades? Got any side-by-side comparisons? If you'd rather discuss this by email, drop me a lone at
  2. View Conversation
    As you may have noticed, the stars (with the LEDs soldered really close together) do not come pre-soldered in any way. I was wondering, do you do the soldering/mounting for the stars for tri-rebels? If you do, I'd love to purchase one from you.
  3. View Conversation
    That navigation bar wasn't there when I looked last.
  4. View Conversation
    Just checked your site, figured I'd let you know that although you say to email you, there is not actually an email mentioned on the site.
    Might want to fix that.
  5. View Conversation
    hey xwing. Sairon said that you had an item number for white Polycarbonate tubing from i was wondering if i could get that from you. thanks in advance ^_^
  6. View Conversation
    hey xwing!can you please give me some help with the 2power extenders/buckpuck combo that madhatter used? here's my thread thank you in advance
  7. View Conversation
    hey, what material did you use for the hilt of your Transparent saber? and how strong is it? Would really appreciate your help, thanx bi
  8. View Conversation
    Hello I was told to ask you about how and where to get RGB LEDs and what kind I would need?
    Thanks for your time.
  9. View Conversation
    hey x got a quick question how much do you charge for conversions? i need help beacuse i dont think ultra can do my luke ANH. problem being is that i was told that the red button did not need to be taken out for a conversion. and i had to epoxy it back in beacuse it fell out. then i just saw there DIY kit on there site and now its saying you HAVE to take it out. now i am S.O.L. with ultra and i dont know of a way of getting it out. i was wondering if it is possible for you to due the conversion for me and use the red graflex buttons on here as the set screw like you did with you anakin(i think it was a anakin) i realy need help, thanks

  10. ive read you talking about 5v regulators for sound boards,I picked up one at the shack today tobring down the v's from 6v 3xAAA pack to a force action vader saber card that had a 4.5v 3xAA. thing is its got 3 pins and indication to what each of them are for. do you have a schematic for it w/ batts and sound card, i havent been able to find one. and do you think id have to heatsink it for the 1 v its taking away?

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