Crystal Chamber Pt. III
, 02-21-2011 at 10:09 PM (176906 Views)
Ok, so I have an updated chamber that I'm going to put into my brother's Obi-Wan hilt that I posted in an earlier blog post. In part I, I showed off an incomplete version of what is below. This is the finished version, without the wiring, of course. I decided to put the original crystal back in it, and had to adjust it to get it to fit.
I will work on the wiring probably next weekend, since I will be busy the rest of this week (it was nice having Pres. Day off of work). There won't be much of a switch to this but something real simple. The replica hilt of my brother's doesn't have much room inside of it, and it certainly has no place for a switch without extensive modifications, which I won't be doing without his permission. This will be for display only pretty much, and (as of right now) will have a small switch inside it when opened, so the lighted crystal can be seen.
This is sort of a practice run for me for when I purchase my own MHS parts to build my personal saber. I won't begin on that interior until I have the pieces, since I won't know the accurate ID to fit everything.
As usual, comments and crits are welcome!!!