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PVC Rahm Kota Pt. II

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So, I'm hoping I can get some help here, but since no one has seen my first blog post (or at least commented on it) I may have to post this into the Forums...

Anyway I am including a link to the Mace Windu board I am using in this saber. It has a tactile switch spot on the board and I can't figure out how to wire this switch to a momentary switch.

Anyone have any suggestions?


Click image for larger version. 

Name:	0919120732.jpg 
Views:	6647 
Size:	68.1 KB 
ID:	7698 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	0919120732a.jpg 
Views:	6555 
Size:	42.0 KB 
ID:	7701

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Updated 09-23-2012 at 09:13 PM by captain_mills

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  1. DarthZero's Avatar
    It looks like the two sides of the switch bridge together by whatever pushes down on them. you could try holding each end of the switch to either side and clicking it on/off.
  2. pezzer75's Avatar
    What Iv'e done in similar situations was scrape a little of the green covering the lead on either side of the circle and solder to those spots. Hope that helps.