Conversation Between Kastor and cannibal869

4 Visitor Messages

  1. I would go Cyan. That was the original concept, it was supposed to be more "sophisticated and lighter" than the average saber. I would also think a bright Aqua like color would be great but that obviously takes more work.
  2. OH WOW! I can't wait to see it! You'll have to detail the process in the post. I was still planing on casting it as a solid overlay. I'm also working on one of the other ones I posted, the more organic one. I'll be doing it in black with an Obsidian look. Sith of course.
  3. Meaning it's almost fully built Or at least, what I thought could be made with MHS parts. It's actually not all that complex, but it did take quite a bit of Dremel work. Still lots to do, but I'd say it's about 70% finished. I'll post it up once it's done.
  4. "@Kastor - remember that very first render you posted a while back? It's soon becoming reality using *THIS* board "

    Yeah I do, I'm still working on it but I'm going to make some other ones for friends first. Also it really deserves a CF and who knows when I'll have one of those. But what do you mean by becoming a reality?
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