Conversation Between Anavrin and jedipadawan777

4 Visitor Messages

  1. I am officially a member of the LA jedi. I went last night and it was AWESOME. We learned techniques for Soresu and Shii Cho. We also did some blaster deflections. It was a great night. Thank you so much for telling me about this, I would have never known.
  2. Oh! You should check out their site. LA Jedi is a decendant of the NYJedi which I'm a part of. We are stage choreography teams that use lightsabers. It's really an excuse to perform, make friends, hang out, and learn about staged lightsaber combat. You can check them out at their website or on YouTube.
  3. No, sorry. I am just new to the site and stuff. Can you fill me in on the LA jedi?
  4. Hi! You sent me a friend request! Are you part of LA Jedi?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4