Conversation Between MaverickJsmith and djobitwan7

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Oh yes, that saber. I contacted you shortly after I started working on the model, but you never replied. I figured you were no longer interested since you didn't respond.
  2. It was the saber I designed here.

    I thought it would be cool to see, but it's actually being made right now, so it's OK if you cannot do it. This was a bit of time ago. Thanks.
  3. Oh hey. I'm sorry, which saber was that? I stopped doing saber renders last year.
  4. It's been awhile, but I never heard back from ya on that 3D render of my designed saber. It's actually being built, but my drawing wasn't that great and I'd love to show it a bit better detail. I can send the most recent pic, since it changed a bit again since we last spoke awhile back. Just give me a yeah or neah on if you can do it though. Thanks.

    Anthony G
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