Conversation Between Pullo and SWAT Strachan

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Cheers for the offer Pullo. I might have to take you up on it eventually, as I'm not having much luck tracking down anything suitable so far. I did buy myself a set of Vernier calipers recently, so I can say with all certainty that the OD of an MHS section is 1.45" or 37mm. Maybe you can compare that to your hoover tube.

    At the moment I'm concentrating on getting the main hilt and electronics together, the cosmetic touches have dropped down the list of priorities for now. Although I do plan on trying to make a 'flames' grip cover out of brass if I can, I might even have a go at the salt etching too.

    You see my problem? Too many ideas at once .

  2. hi
    I've just looked at your thread about uk sink tube suppliers.
    if yuor intrested I have a section of chrome pipe from an old vacum cleaner. One of the many "sabers in waiting" not to sure of the internal diameter I don't have power in the shed and it is dark at the momment. if you want a section of it drop us a line and i will see what i can do.
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