Conversation Between FavaSSJ5 and Rhyen Skytracker

3 Visitor Messages

  1. wow, thanks
    ill try to buy one
    and convert my saber here

    one question, i have an Anakin Skywalker ROTS without sound
    can i put this economy sound on it?

    the saber is from ultrasaber

  2. That link you posted is one of the economy boards. There is a new version out that sounds a lot better than that one though. They are the ones that come with a DVD, like this one.
  3. Hi, i was reading your post Economy Version Hasbro Sound Tutorial
    and i have a question
    im from brazil, and want to know where can i find this economy saber
    is this one?

    thx ^^

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3